oops I have been trying to come up with ideas for so many things I forgot to start a new blog for the week; not that there's anything really to 'write home about' Though yesterday (July 23rd) there was a wasp on the outside of the screen and it was moving it's butt. It looked kinda funny so I joked that the wasp was twerking!
So I've been a bit forgetful in some things I've been wanting to get to do, or maybe it's just trying to juggle it all!
I posted The 2nd part the last time, & now I have come across part 1

I finished reading that Jill Churchill book I'm planning to read
I do still need to post pics for previous entries here.
I have a page I almost forgot to mention https://www.pheed.com/kymoDragon
so far it's only 3 Videos from my Youtube account but if I can remember I will try my best to post some form of somethings to that. I jsut need to figure out that Live broadcast thing.
So now I notice I am not too late in starting this one as the last day of the previous was the last noted.
I forget where I saw it. Maybe on the live well network how to fix your broken make up powders eyeshadows etc. also how to make your own gel eyeshadow as well as BB Cream!
Find the information on THE Beauty Balm
Time Saving-Beauty-Ideas & Get-the-Perfect-Brows-for-Your-Face
Thursday 24- made up a new word.. That's 'Disfusting ' Basically meaning F-n Discusting, or Dis F'n custing
Wastched a movie called 13 Sins (I'm still not sure if I'm going to post reviews here or if I'm going to keep up with it on Movie-mania I just can't post it to both or the squidoo site will lock the page.
But in Short it's one of those sick 'Game' movies where the for lack of a better term Victim gets a mysterious phone call and is set out to do crimes for money.
Friday 25- So I wanted to get to the movies before my Groupon Offer expired. I just had to pay $4 & I could see a movie that was up to $12 (which inlcuded the service fee when I checked out!!) So I saw an opening day matinee of LUCY at the alamo Draft House $6.50 for a BOWL of popcorn but WAIT... FREE REFILLs though sadly I wasn't even able to finish it alone. SO that's great if yu have a few friends or family members with you. s for the movie itself. To me it';s like a rip off of Bradley Coopers Limitless but on steroids that's mixed with either Crack or acid (maybe both) but that likeness isn't far from the truth as she ends up (unwillingly) with a WHOLE heep of a drug (kilos) surgically implanted in her body.
I thought of a Quote (don't know if anyone has said it before & if Not YEAH!!!!)
"The Journey is worth a thousand Treasures" by ME!!!! (as far as I know!!)
Hung out & OMG there's old Batman episodes on (well it is the 75th aniniversary anyway) IFC after that watch a concert video Rockin the Corps; An AMerican Thank you. Godsmack, Teg Nugent (then they did a song or 2 together as well) Destiny's CHild, Celebrities INtroduced the acts & KISS wrapped it all up!
FOund some previews for Fall TV shows SO you can find those & more HEre at Generally Talking Telly
Sunday 27- well all I know so far (as of Saturday) is that there;s a Race on.. So if Not Saturday then Today I will Start Wicked Business.
- Grrr Jeff Gordon Won, and really didn't do much check tweets & a little email rellyquick before my shows came on read for awhile
UPdated & added more previews & premire dates to Generally Talking Telly
Tuesday 29- Ugh woke too early, not even sure if I slept much.
Maks & Val chmerkovskoy were on the View today they were so messing with maks about the Jlo rumor. Also I thought you might be interested in something creativbe for the home turn a card-catalog- into a credenza
So it's afternoon and now I really feel tired so I'm going to go lay down a bit. Ugh oh.. PMS time...
So I'm back, still feeling tired but can't fall asleep, only was able to rest my eyes a bit (but not enough)
Ooh so let me go get my camera to post some of these back pictures I didn't get to for a couple of weeks.
I forget what day it was (over the weekend I think) but my Aunt who I was house sitting for, likes to collect sea glass so I finshed something with a jar & made this for her. The tag on the jar with the ribbon. I hope I'll be able to give it to her tomorrow.
So I did try to post the pics but sadly for some reason It still doesn't want to work for me, yet it posted the one above? Go freaking Figure! grrrr (Damn Evil Computer! Life would be so much better if we never had computers etc. & poele wouldn't be so damn dumb! inconsiderate & rude!)
worked on my volcano painting a bit. I kept hesitating to do so as I didn't want to mess it up but to me I did! I had yet to finish it as I didn't want it to just look like a mountain and well now I have a little bit of ash cloud coverage of varying degrees and one side blackened so I just need to add some lava flow here & there.
Wed 30- Yesterday My Aunt Pam asked my mom out to go to Cheesecake Factory today in Ridge Hill (as an anniversary present)
Today she came over & I gave her the Jar with the tag I made for her (for her seaglass) . She thought it was cute.
I've 'finshed' my newest-whovian - Doctor Who page
So Sharknado 2: The second one is on tonight. It blew up twitter last year and this year I'm guessing so as well. So last year when they decided they were going to do a sequal they had a repeat telecast & posted tweets of our title ideas! one of mine i saw actually made it on screen but I only saw my twitter handle!!! (How cool is that?) Anyway These are the titles I came up with
another title that came to me while watching
Final Sharknation (like Final Destination)
or as I posted to twitter.....#Sharknado2TheSecondOne first 20 minutes literally ROTF LMAO!!! cool cameos 2! @Sharksonaplane
so will there be a third because the 2nd I think may have outdone the first in lots a ways.
I say do it in Boston... when was a disaster film done there? Come on they are ALWAYS in NY or California right? So can we start messing with other cities besides you can't get moire annoying & cheesier than a boston accent (& well after NY You just have to take the heads ff of some Red Sox fans! But I think in this case make it Hockey, (Hockey stick = better weapon than a baseball bat! & WHy???
OMG it has been trending as well as alot of the actors' names that starred in it!
let's not forget the chainsaw is now a new thing even though Bruce Campbell started it with Evil Dead and well for those who know what Atari is (was) There's a Frogger reference & let's not forget a certain phrase That Fonzie & Happy Days started! as cheesey, 'awful' & all that this is purposely made to be... I think I would rather pay for this in the theater than some so called "blockbusters'
My question is, is there going to be shark runs in NYC like there are Zombie Marathons (Which were sort of started because the walking dead.. I just can't remember where it's held though)
Thursday 31- So what's on the agenda for today?
I am hoping to set up some more of the new fall schedule on my Generally Talking Telley lens (which was mentioned on sunday)
publishing what I have so far updated of movie premires and reviews on Movie Mania
Hopefully watch a movie or 2 and get more of my book read, and maybe finish off Volcano painting or work on a set or 2 of earrings I have designed.
Saturday AUGUST 2- Happy 'Birthday' (adoption day) to m y Sully!!
The bottom 3 I made over the weekend with the green being what i made last night.
Also I will bemaking variations of the green ones for sale!!! They will not be exactly the same as I make one of a kind items. So if anything looks like another, there's something still different it may be suttle or maybe be very obvious.
it's close to 90 here today Tomorrow Godsmack's new album comes out so I might do a special blog on that. Until then track-by-track-review-godsmack-1000hp by Artistdirect
So I've been a bit forgetful in some things I've been wanting to get to do, or maybe it's just trying to juggle it all!
I posted The 2nd part the last time, & now I have come across part 1
I finished reading that Jill Churchill book I'm planning to read
I do still need to post pics for previous entries here.
I have a page I almost forgot to mention https://www.pheed.com/kymoDragon
so far it's only 3 Videos from my Youtube account but if I can remember I will try my best to post some form of somethings to that. I jsut need to figure out that Live broadcast thing.
So now I notice I am not too late in starting this one as the last day of the previous was the last noted.
I forget where I saw it. Maybe on the live well network how to fix your broken make up powders eyeshadows etc. also how to make your own gel eyeshadow as well as BB Cream!
Find the information on THE Beauty Balm
Time Saving-Beauty-Ideas & Get-the-Perfect-Brows-for-Your-Face
Thursday 24- made up a new word.. That's 'Disfusting ' Basically meaning F-n Discusting, or Dis F'n custing
Wastched a movie called 13 Sins (I'm still not sure if I'm going to post reviews here or if I'm going to keep up with it on Movie-mania I just can't post it to both or the squidoo site will lock the page.
But in Short it's one of those sick 'Game' movies where the for lack of a better term Victim gets a mysterious phone call and is set out to do crimes for money.
Friday 25- So I wanted to get to the movies before my Groupon Offer expired. I just had to pay $4 & I could see a movie that was up to $12 (which inlcuded the service fee when I checked out!!) So I saw an opening day matinee of LUCY at the alamo Draft House $6.50 for a BOWL of popcorn but WAIT... FREE REFILLs though sadly I wasn't even able to finish it alone. SO that's great if yu have a few friends or family members with you. s for the movie itself. To me it';s like a rip off of Bradley Coopers Limitless but on steroids that's mixed with either Crack or acid (maybe both) but that likeness isn't far from the truth as she ends up (unwillingly) with a WHOLE heep of a drug (kilos) surgically implanted in her body.
I thought of a Quote (don't know if anyone has said it before & if Not YEAH!!!!)
"The Journey is worth a thousand Treasures" by ME!!!! (as far as I know!!)
Saturday 26- Happy National Dance Day
The Gang from Dance With me Studios, the likes of Tony Dovalani, & The Chmerkovskiys, some friends and possibly students
FOund some previews for Fall TV shows SO you can find those & more HEre at Generally Talking Telly
Sunday 27- well all I know so far (as of Saturday) is that there;s a Race on.. So if Not Saturday then Today I will Start Wicked Business.
- Grrr Jeff Gordon Won, and really didn't do much check tweets & a little email rellyquick before my shows came on read for awhile
UPdated & added more previews & premire dates to Generally Talking Telly
Monday 28- So feeling really blah. prob. between PMS & the weather.
Working a bit on adding more premires to the TV page .
Need to get to working on my painting again, & worked on a pair of earrings for myself last night, and designed another.
Tuesday 29- Ugh woke too early, not even sure if I slept much.
Maks & Val chmerkovskoy were on the View today they were so messing with maks about the Jlo rumor. Also I thought you might be interested in something creativbe for the home turn a card-catalog- into a credenza
So it's afternoon and now I really feel tired so I'm going to go lay down a bit. Ugh oh.. PMS time...
Ooh so let me go get my camera to post some of these back pictures I didn't get to for a couple of weeks.
I forget what day it was (over the weekend I think) but my Aunt who I was house sitting for, likes to collect sea glass so I finshed something with a jar & made this for her. The tag on the jar with the ribbon. I hope I'll be able to give it to her tomorrow.
So I did try to post the pics but sadly for some reason It still doesn't want to work for me, yet it posted the one above? Go freaking Figure! grrrr (Damn Evil Computer! Life would be so much better if we never had computers etc. & poele wouldn't be so damn dumb! inconsiderate & rude!)
worked on my volcano painting a bit. I kept hesitating to do so as I didn't want to mess it up but to me I did! I had yet to finish it as I didn't want it to just look like a mountain and well now I have a little bit of ash cloud coverage of varying degrees and one side blackened so I just need to add some lava flow here & there.
Wed 30- Yesterday My Aunt Pam asked my mom out to go to Cheesecake Factory today in Ridge Hill (as an anniversary present)
Today she came over & I gave her the Jar with the tag I made for her (for her seaglass) . She thought it was cute.
So I got to go to lunch with them as well. Man I shouldn't have even ordered lunch, well I shoud say I shouldn't have ordered lunch when I saw the "National Cheesecake Day 1/2 off on any slice of cheesecake" Oh boy! I thought they were going to be small slices but damn! they were still huge! I could eat one slace for 3-4 days of dessert!
After that they sat outside & let me walk down to where the multiplex was as there;s a goodie shoppe there I was hoping would have that red string licorice but sadly no. On the way back I stopped in this 'Charming Charlies' store (kept seeing everyone with the bags & wondered what it was) well it's got Lots of jewlery as well as purses and at affordable prices, but some of the stuff although affordable I didn't think was worth. I don't think I saw anything there over $20 (but that's as far as a small purse I looked at an a few bracelets, earrings etc. They also have a rewards program so I might sign up in case I get over that way again! I've 'finshed' my newest-whovian - Doctor Who page
So Sharknado 2: The second one is on tonight. It blew up twitter last year and this year I'm guessing so as well. So last year when they decided they were going to do a sequal they had a repeat telecast & posted tweets of our title ideas! one of mine i saw actually made it on screen but I only saw my twitter handle!!! (How cool is that?) Anyway These are the titles I came up with
- The Sharkchew of Liberty
- 40 Sharkened Street
- E. (East) Atlantic Mayhem
- Upper East Shark
- Sharkpire State building
- Shark Towers
another title that came to me while watching
Final Sharknation (like Final Destination)
or as I posted to twitter.....
so will there be a third because the 2nd I think may have outdone the first in lots a ways.
I say do it in Boston... when was a disaster film done there? Come on they are ALWAYS in NY or California right? So can we start messing with other cities besides you can't get moire annoying & cheesier than a boston accent (& well after NY You just have to take the heads ff of some Red Sox fans! But I think in this case make it Hockey, (Hockey stick = better weapon than a baseball bat! & WHy???
- you CAN use it as a bat
- you can shave part of the blade (that the puck is shot with) to make it more like a scythe (ya know that of which the grim reaper carries around & farmers (or in olden times) cut down harvests with.
- You can use the butt (handle) basically as an elbow
- if you are really creative you can turn it into a nunchuck with a bit of inginuity '
OMG it has been trending as well as alot of the actors' names that starred in it!
let's not forget the chainsaw is now a new thing even though Bruce Campbell started it with Evil Dead and well for those who know what Atari is (was) There's a Frogger reference & let's not forget a certain phrase That Fonzie & Happy Days started! as cheesey, 'awful' & all that this is purposely made to be... I think I would rather pay for this in the theater than some so called "blockbusters'
My question is, is there going to be shark runs in NYC like there are Zombie Marathons (Which were sort of started because the walking dead.. I just can't remember where it's held though)
Thursday 31- So what's on the agenda for today?
I am hoping to set up some more of the new fall schedule on my Generally Talking Telley lens (which was mentioned on sunday)
publishing what I have so far updated of movie premires and reviews on Movie Mania
Hopefully watch a movie or 2 and get more of my book read, and maybe finish off Volcano painting or work on a set or 2 of earrings I have designed.
Saturday AUGUST 2- Happy 'Birthday' (adoption day) to m y Sully!!
I gave her a new collar hot pink & it has skulls on it and finally she gets to wear her Harley Davidson tag.
Sunday 3- mom & dad's 40th anniversary . They didn't do anything, they usualy wait til they go on vacation to go out for dinner. I hung around the house. Last night I got a bad back spazam & the after affects lingered so just hung out in bed read whatever else I did while just laying down beesides using pain rub. Later on at night when I felt a little better & the creative instinct just beat me out.. I made another pair of earrings.
Monday 4 Being as for some reason the part of my printer that I can ut the memory card in still won't cooperate (I think the prongs are messed up) I'll just make a scan of what I made so far this season!
The bottom 3 I made over the weekend with the green being what i made last night.
Also I will bemaking variations of the green ones for sale!!! They will not be exactly the same as I make one of a kind items. So if anything looks like another, there's something still different it may be suttle or maybe be very obvious.
it's close to 90 here today Tomorrow Godsmack's new album comes out so I might do a special blog on that. Until then track-by-track-review-godsmack-1000hp by Artistdirect
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